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Early Detection Research Programs

Early detection of liver cancer, hepatitis B, and other liver diseases can go a long way toward saving lives. Our research programs for biomarker discovery allow us to find new ways of identifying warning signs of liver cancer before it is too late to offer treatment. With hepatitis B spreading at an increasingly frequent rate, we are doing work in areas such as India, Japan, and parts of Southeast Asia to learn more about this disease and how to find it early enough to treat it.

The opioid crisis is one of the leading factors in the rise of hepatitis B in America. While preventive measures such as refraining from sharing needles will cut down on the number of diagnoses, we still need to be prepared for the spread of this disease. Researching the earliest warning signs and identifying which biomarkers are indicative of eventual liver cancer goes a long way. Through funding from generous donors - whether it be innovators in California, our home state of Pennsylvania, or any other locations - we can come up with accurate findings that could potentially save millions of lives.


Our Efforts in Early Detection of Liver Disease and Cancer

Our biomarker discovery group focuses on the identification of cancer biomarkers to assist early detection of liver cancer and guide therapies. Our work in this area has identified biomarkers in specific proteins, the DNA fragments in urine, and the bloodstream.

One protein, GOLPH 2 GP73, has been studied in thousands of people and is approved by the Chinese FDA equivalent for use in China. It is currently in development by Abbott Labs for use in the United States for early detection of hepatitis B, HCC, and other forms of liver cancer complicated by hepatitis B. This study is licensed to a spin-out company called Glycotest, which is co-owned by the Baruch S. Blumberg Institute and the inventors.

The scientists at our research program have also determined that human urine contains small DNA fragments from the blood that comes from virtually every organ. They have developed a series of tests to detect specific cancers associated with mutations in this DNA isolated from human urine. This study is licensed to JBS, another spin-out company.


Our Efforts in Early Detection of Liver Disease and Cancer

Our research programs are the only ones actively working to find solutions for early detection of liver cancer, and we can’t do it without your help. With a rise in reported cases in parts of Southeast Asia, as well as Japan, China, India, and right here in the United States, millions are relying on our research - and your support.

No matter what your connection with liver disease has been, we humbly encourage you to make a donation to our research programs and help make a positive impact on someone who is living with hepatitis B. No donation is too small, so whether you are from California or China, your donation could help us change somebody’s life.


Our other research programs include: